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Installing and Un-installing Programs

Not much comes with Windows. Not unless you're happy with a basic Word Processor, a useless image program, and Solitaire, you'll need to install other software. Putting software onto a PC is called "installing" the software. All software, be it a game, an Office program, or a downloaded utility program, it will need to be installed. All software comes with an install program of its own. A lot of times, if it comes on a CD, you simply insert the CD in, and it will automatically run the install routine. If not, don't worry though. The actual file that does the work is usually called "setup.exe" or "install.exe". Just running these, either through the "Run" option in the Start Menu or through Windows Explorer, will install the program in question. Each install routine will ask you the common questions, such as what options you want to install and which directory to put the program into.

After installing a program, you can run it. Like any program, the new program can be run through the Start Menu / Programs or can be accessed through an icon on the desktop.

Removing a program from a computer is called "un-installing". Just as most programs come with an install routine, many also come with an un-install routine, usually accessible under the Start Menu folder for that program. Running this will allow you to completely remove the program from the PC. A common mistake is to simply go into Windows Explorer and delete all files associated with a particular program. I do not recommend this type of removal. It leaves a messy computer. If a program comes with an un-install routine, always use it. If not, use a special un-installer program or the Add/Remove Programs icon under the Control Panel.

Section 6 - Introduction to the Internet

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